CSD Information Booklet

Student information guide on how to access and use your student account
Please read the information below carefully and keep for future reference, as this information will be important during your studies at TUS.
Computer Services Department
Computers and Information Technology (IT) will play an important role during your time as a student. Many aspects of your life as a student will involve some IT: in the classroom, in the library, in the Computer Centre, in fact all over the campus. This section is a brief guide to help you get started with the different elements of IT that you will meet.
Helpdesk Service
The Computer Services Helpdesk is located in the main Computer Centre on the Moylish Park campus. Any computer related problems that you encounter such as issues with logons, printing, Exam pin numbers, Wi-Fi connectivity or computer applications should be reported to the Helpdesk. Calls can be logged via email, through the Student Portal, by phone or by calling in person to the Helpdesk. Alternatively, you can use the Freshservice portal site or app to log issues. https://itservicedesk.midwest.tus.ie/support/tickets/new
Email: itservicedesk.midwest@tus.ie
Phone: 061-293100
Open Access Computers
In addition to computer labs which are used for teaching, there are hundreds of computers provided on the TUS campuses for student use. These can be used at any time and are on a first-come, first-served basis. The main concentration of these are in the Computer Centre, libraries and the Student’s Union building.
Computer Logon
Once you have successfully registered, a user account is automatically created for you within 72 hours after registration. This allows you to log in to any of the student computers around the Institute, including the Computer Centre, Library, and any of the various computer labs.
You need to enter the following details to login to an TUS PC
Username: KNumber
Password: By Default this is your date of birth in the format DDMMYYYY (example 01011980)
How to set up the multi-factor authenticator using only our phone
Email: itservicedesk.midwest@tus.ie
Phone: 061-293100
Step One
Download the authenticator application onto your phone

Step Two
On your phone please open an internet browser internet go to either
portal.office.com or myapps.microsoft.com
Step Three
You will be presented with a login screen
Login to your using your college account details
Students: Knumber@student.tus.ie
Staff/ Post grad: firstname.lastname@tus.ie
College password
Step Four
You will be presented with a screen that says More information required
Please click next

Step Five
You will be presented with a screen telling you to get the authenticator app.
Please click next

Step Six
You will be presented with the set-up screen.
Click Pair your account to the app by clicking this link.
This will open the authenticator app and add your account.

Step Seven
Leave the authenticator app and go back to the sign in page and click Next

Step Eight
Once you have clicked next you will be shown a 2-digit code and should get a notification from the
authenticator app.
Click the notification or go into the authenticator app and enter the 2-digits shown

Step Nine
Once you have entered the 2-digit code and it is approved you will need to click next

Step Ten
Finally click done and you’ll be allowed into your account

Once you have clicked done you will be logged into your account
How to register
To register please go to: myapplications.microsoft.com
Username: KNumber@student.tus.ie
Password: Current password
Click on Banner9

Once in Banner9 click View Action Items and you will be able to complete registration

If you have any issues with registration besides logging into Banner9 you will need to contact Admissions
Admissions can be contacted on.
Email: admissions.midwest@tus.ie or by phone at: Phone:+353 61 293300
Student Portal
The student hub can be accessed from the TUS website at www.tus.ie.
Click Student hub at the top right and select TUS Midwest Students

On the student hub page click Student App Portal
Sign in with:
Username: KNumber@student.tus.ie
Password: Current password
Outlook Email Account
Username: KNumber@student.tus.ie
Password: Current password
The main method of communication between students and TUS will be email. Please ensure to regularly check your student email for correspondence from your lecturer, and other TUS related activities and news.

Changing Password
In Outlook navigate to top right and click the circle with either your initials or your picture and click View Account

Click Change password under Password

On the change Password page enter your old password and then your new password twice and click submit
Please make sure your new password is at least 12 letters + a number + a special character !$%&*

To access Moodle, go to Moodle.midwest.tus.ie or go to myapplications.microsoft.com then select the Moodle MW
Username: KNumber@student.tus.ie
Password: Current password
Moodle is an online learning environment. Many of your modules may require you to use it to:
- Submit projects and coursework.
- Do quizzes and basic tests
- Access course notes and exam papers.
If your lecturer is running a course on Moodle, you will have to log in to Moodle to gain access to course material.
This can be seen under Course overview.
Make sure the drop-down box says All NOT InProgress

Examination/Assessment Results
If you are completing a course of study which involves examination or continuous assessment by TUS, your results will be posted on Banner9 (Student Self Service)
To access your Exam results and apply for repeat exam(s) you will need to log into MyApps.microsoft.com with your TUS email address - Knumber@student.TUS.ie and password.
Once you have logged in click Banner9 MW students

Next you will need to click view grades

Select the year you want to see from the drop down box

Wi-Fi Network
Staff & Students can use the Eduroam wireless network to gain wireless internet access across all TUS campuses and other participating educational institutes.
Connecting to Eduroam (Windows 10)
Setting up Eduroam on a Windows 10 mobile device involves the following steps:
1. From the list of available wireless networks, select Eduroam and click Connect.
2. You will be asked for a username and password. Here enter your TUS email address (e.g. K12345678@student.tus.ie or john.smith@tus.ie) as the username, enter your password, and click OK.
3. If you see the below query select connect. You should now be connected to Eduroam.
Connecting to Eduroam (Android)
Setting up Eduroam on an Android mobile device involves the following steps:
1. From the list of available wireless networks, select Eduroam and click Connect.
2. The following page will be displayed. The following options should be selected:
EAP Method: PEAP
Phase-2 authentication: MSCHAPv2
CA Certificate: Leave this blank, or select 'No Certificate'
Identity: Your TUS e-mail address (e.g. K12345678@student.tus.ie or john.smith@tus.ie)
Anonymous Identity: Leave this blank
Password: Your TUS password
3. Once you have selected and entered the details, click on Connect
Connecting to Eduroam (iPhone)
Setting up Eduroam on an iPhone involves the following steps:
1. From the list of available networks, select Eduroam and click Connect.
2. The following page will be displayed. Fill out the highlighted details with your TUS username and password (e.g. K12345678@student.tus.ie or john.smith@tus.ie) and click Join.
3. The below page will be displayed. Ensure the certificate reads either my-radius01.tusdom.tus.ie, my-radius01.tusdom.tus.ie or tustn-radius01.tusdom.tus.ie and click Trust.
Connecting to Eduroam (MAC iOS)
Setting up Eduroam on a MAC Desktop or Laptop involves the following steps:
1. From the list of available networks, select Eduroam and click Connect.
2. The below page will be displayed. Fill out the highlighted details with your TUS username and password (e.g. K12345678@student.tus.ie or john.smith@tus.ie) and click Join.
3. The below page will be displayed. Ensure the certificate reads either my-radius01.tusdom.tus.ie, my-radius01.tusdom.tus.ie or tustn-radius01.tusdom.tus.ie and click Trust.
4. You may need to enter your local administrator username and password at this point. You should now be connected to Eduroam.
Printing Services
How to Print from the printers on campus

How to scan

TUS Student Print Balance Top-Up Guide
NOTE: Minimum Top-Up Value: €5
Open your web browser and navigate to https://moodle.midwest.tus.ie
Sign into Moodle if prompted (Email/Password)
Select Student Portal
Next, select Print Balance
From the Print Balance portal, you can view your current balance and top it up.
To top up your credit, select RECHARGE
Input the amount you would like to top-up by. Minimum amount €5.00
Check the terms and conditions box and click ACCEPT AND PAY
Enter the details requested on screen e.g., email address, billing address etc
NOTE: These details are required for Payment Card Industry compliance.
Next, you’ll be redirected to the merchant payment portal for Global Payments.
Insert your card details and select PAY NOW
Once the payment completes, you will see a confirmation message that the payment has been processed successful
Return to the Dashboard page to confirm your credit has increased on the system.
How to view your Print Balance on a Student Printer
Sign into the printer with your Username and Password, or swipe your student card to login
When logged in, select SafeQ Print
Select Waiting

On the waiting screen, you will see your current credit balance on the top left of the screen, next to your name.
Website – TUS.ie
The TUS Website is a source of general information for prospective and current students providing programme details, latest news, information on student life, available facitusies, useful links and much more. Most importantly for current students, the TUS Website provides a gateway to many important TUS resources with links to the Student Portal, Moodle, Library Website, Careers Service, etc.
If you have any other questions, please contact the Helpdesk.
Email: itservicedesk.midwest@tus.ie
Phone: 061-293100
Email: exams.midwest@tus.ie or by phone at: 061-293200
Grants & Fees
Email: Studentfees.midwest@tus.ie (full-time students) or flexiblefees.midwest@tus.ie (part-time/flexible learning)
Phone: 061-293366 (full-time students) or 061-293094 (part-time/flexible learning)
Email: admissions.midwest@tus.ie or by phone at: +353 61 293300
Flexible learning
Limerick Office General Queries
Email: flexible.midwest@tus.ie or by phone at: +353 61 293802
Tipperary Office General Queries
Email: flexible.midwest@tus.ie or by phone at: +353 504 28112
Springboard+/HCI Specific Queries
Email: springboard.midwest@tus.ie or by phone at: +353 61 293055
Fees Queries
Email: flexiblefees.midwest@tus.ie or by phone at: +353 61 293094
Computer Services
Email: itservicedesk.midwest@tus.ie or by phone at: +353 61 293100
Student Support Services
Phone: +353 61 293106
Email: studentsupportservices.midwest@tus.ie
Office Location: Block 12
Ext: 3106
Disability Contact information
Tel: (061) 293112
Email: disability.midwest@tus.ie
Tel: (061) 293112
Doctors Contacts
To contact a Doctor near your campus please use the contact details below.
Moylish Students - Email nurses@lit.ie or call (061) 293106
LSAD Students - Call Old Windmill Family Practice, on (061) 313919
Thurles Students - Call Dr. Liam Collins on (0504) 21155
Clonmel Students - Call Dr. Rochford on (052) 6121288
Ennis Students - Call Dr. Conor Hanrahan on (065) 6868140
Nurse Appointments
Nurse appointments are no longer a walk in service, all appointments must be Pre Booked. Please contact nurses@lit.ie or 061-293106 to make an appointment.
Contact information for the campuses
TUS Moylish Campus
Main Reception
Phone: +353 61 293000
Email: Reception.Midwest@tus.ie
LSAD Clare Street Campus
Main Reception
Phone: 353 61 293870
TUS Clonmel Digital Campus
Main Reception
Phone: +353 504 28000
TUS Thurles Campus
Main Reception
Phone: +353 504 28000
Email: Reception.Midwest@tus.ie
TUS Ennis Campus
Main Reception
Phone: +353 61 293559
Phone: +353 (0)90 646 8000