Student AD password change + Login instructions
Your new password has been changed.
The next time you log into a PC on Campus you will be asked to change your password.
Please change it to something new and make sure it's a password you'll remember.
*Passwords must contain a combination of letters (both upper & lower case), numbers (0-9) and at least one special character (for example: “,£,$,%,^,&,*,@,#,?,!,€)
*Please make sure your new password has 8 characters or more*
If the password doesn't fit this criteria you will be locked out automatically again at some point.
Please keep note of this password because you will need it for logging into the College PCs, Moodle, the printers and for accessing the Wifi.
How to login to the student portal on campus and off campus:
When trying to access the student portal you will be presented with this screen:
Please put in your student email address as shown in the example image above. Then click NEXT.
On the next screen you will put in your newly changed PC password.
How to log into Moodle:
Sign in with your TUS email and password